Job cards

This section describes all actions that can be done by an engineer on a job.


Job details tab

When you tap on a job on your main job list, you’ll see the main job screen with the following details:

Job Unique job number generated by the system.
Open A job that is not scheduled to any technician yet.
Client Client name.
Contact Name of a person who is set as primary contact for the client.
Contact email By default it’s the primary contact’s email but can be edited by engineers in a work mode.
Address Client address.
Directions A button which will start a navigation to the site.
Job Type Job type and subtype set by admin.
Priority Job priority set by admin.
Schedule Date Scheduled date and time of the job.
Description Additional information about the work, given by the admin or the client.
Resolution Summary of work done by an engineer, can be edited in the work mode.

From the job details view, you can perform different actions depending on whether you are in the work mode or not.

If you are not in the work nor travel mode, you can start recording travel time or begin a remote working session. You can also edit times of previous sessions if they exist.

While in the work mode, you can access chat with the client, enter resolutions, preview work docket, stop the job, close the job and edit times of previous sessions if they exist.

Job card
Job details tab in work mode

Other Job tabs

Other job tab’s functionalities will be unlocked while on work mode.

Products tab

On the Products tab you can manage products used on the job - it can be assets, equipment, materials, and other additional charges. Here you can:

  • Add a product - you can choose from the pre-defined products list or add a new item.
  • Edit product (tap on the row in the products table below).
  • Remove product (tap on the row in the products table below).
Products tab

Photos tab

Here you can:

  • Take a photo.
  • Pick a photo from the device.
  • Remove photo (tap on a thumbnail).
  • Open photo in a viewer (tap on a thumbnail).
  • Annotate a photo (tap on a thumbnail).
Photos tab

Sign tab

Here you can:

  • Add a signature as an engineer.
  • Take the client's signature.
  • Mark the client signature to be taken at the survey stage - the after job survey email will be sent to the customer if this functionality is enabled by the admin. The survey will contain a field for taking client signatures.
  • Open photo in a viewer (tap on a thumbnail).
  • Annotate a photo (tap on a thumbnail).
Sign tab
Job survey
After-job survey
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