
By using UK Field Service’s report building feature, you can gain valuable, real-time information about your business.
This tool allows users to view field service reports, financial reporting, staff productivity, customer satisfaction, and even customised reports.

Go paperless

Go Paperless

UK Field Service’s Report library and report builder, enables admin users to generate electronic and easy-to-read, customisable reports that meet your business needs.
This allows users to monitor and track the business easily and efficiently.
Examples include reviewing the most profitable employees or services within the business.

Reports can be created, downloaded and shared easily with colleagues and clients at any time. This paperless feature is fast, secure and simple, allowing technicians to complete work dockets to be signed by UK Field Service in a fast and efficient manner.


Technicians working time on jobs including en route, working, pausing are automatically clocked without any manual effort on tracking time.
Timesheet and job completion reports helps admin users to track billable hours to ensure an accurate payroll.


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